FLASH GIVEAWAY: Rockstar! and Royal Box

FLASH GIVEAWAY: Rockstar! and Royal Box

We're giving away one of each of the Golden Blitz stickers: Rockstar! and Royal Box! We'll keep it quick and easy - just enter below by selecting which sticker you'd like to enter for.

The giveaway will end at 12AM EST tonight, and the winner will be sent an email within the remaining hours of the Golden Blitz.

This giveaway is open to both our members and Insiders. As always, to show our appreciation for our dedicated supporters, Insider entries will count as 6x, while member entries will count as 1x.

Entering is simple:

  1. Select the sticker you’d like to win in the giveaway form below.
  2. Click "Enter."

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If I become an Insider after the giveaway, does my entry count as 6x?
    Upon giveaway completion, your Insider status is calculated at that time, so yes you'll get 6x entries if you are an Insider at the end of the giveaway
  2. If I chose the wrong sticker, can I change it afterwards?
    Unfortunately, once you make your choice, it cannot be changed. Please choose carefully!
  3. How do I know if I won?
    You'll be notified via e-mail with instructions shortly after the giveaway concludes!
  4. Can I have friends enter on my behalf?
    Yes, anyone can enter and your friend can simply give your Monopoly GO! invite link as their own if they win.